The Treasures They Make
May 25, 2011
Today I learned I have a lot to learn about photo editing. Since one of my goals is to get a living journal of our lives as they are today I had Justice grab a bracelete he made at the Boys and Girls Club yesterday. He was so proud of what he made. It make look like a simple piece of string with a few oddly matched beads; but, to him it is a tiny treasure. I snapped a few photo's of him holding the bracelet and I hated each shot more than the last. With time running short, I decided the first picture would have to do. I figured I could do some editing in Gimp and make it a little more presentable. Well, lets just say I could use a good class in photo editing. To start with the picture was overexposed and now it is overprocessed as well. The plus side is I can recognize my shortcomings and that is half the battle. Now I have to work on the hard part. Learning the art of photo editing.
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