After seeing several inspiring Facebook posts promoting 365 Photography Projects, I decided to do a little bit of research and find out exactly what these projects are. I was intrigued by what I found. Basically you challenge yourself to take one photo a day for a year. Some people choose a theme for their photographs, others challenge themselves to try new techniques and some people just shoot anything for the fun of it. The whole point of the project is to challenge yourself creatively, grow as a photographer and hopefully walk away with a fantastic project which you can treasure for years to come. It sounded perfect for me.
I have decided to jump in feet first and make a personal commitment to myself to take a photo a day for a year. I want my project to be a reflection of my life with Justice. The photographs I take for this project will range from snapshots of everyday life, still moments that are often left undocumented and artistic impressions of the very things we pass each day and take for granted. The photographs will document adventurous vacations and much needed weekend getaways along with nondescript days filled with mundane chores and countless errands. I will photograph our many camping trips and time spent outdoors as well as time spent with friends and loved ones. Holidays and special events will be eclipsed by everyday life which is a much more accurate picture of the life we live. As I journey through this project I will blog about it and hopefully turn it into some sort of creative book when it is over. I am intrigued by the idea of seeing a year of my life in snapshots and I can't help but wonder what it will look like when it is finished. Will this affect the way I view everyday life or change my perceptions of the life I live? Will I relish in new revelations about myself and my son? Will I be proud of what I see or will I be surprised in interesting ways? Time will answer all of these questions and more ; but, for now I can only pick up my camera and start shooting the story of our lives. Please join us for the journey!
Day 1- "Mouth Full of Sushi" (May 23, 2011)

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ImageShack.usJustice loves sushi. It also happens to be a really easy, healthy, last minute dinner for busy nights since our local grocery store makes it fresh each day. There were no complaints at the dinner table tonight.