Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Paradox In Uganda Leads To Summer Reading In The U.S.

After reading an amazing and inspiring post from Paradox Uganda I became inspired to start a summer reading list for myself. The post describes the almost Utopian vacation of missionaries in an impoverished, diseased country. It is a vacation marked by lazy days on the beach, home cooked meals and endless amounts of time with family and books. It is a vacation without phones, televisions or tourist attractions. It is a vacation in which their little family read over 100 books in three weeks time. That is inspiring.

I may not be able to hide away in a secluded beach house for three weeks or read 100 books this summer; but, I am challenging myself to obtain a little piece of what they had. Before I had my son, I read with a voracious appetite. I consumed books as if they were the sustenance that fueled my body. If I started a particularly good book, it was not uncommon for me to stay up for 24 or 48 hours reading until I reached the end, only to pick up another book and start reading again. At times I would have 3 or 4 books going at once, unable to keep up with myself. I was an avid reader in every sense.

So, now I'm asking for your help. Do you have any favorite authors or books that I should add to my list? Have you read any "must reads" recently? Is there anything you have read fiction, non-fiction, biography or autobiography that you want to recommend? I want your suggestions.

One last note...follow the link above (1st paragraph) and read Paradox Uganda. Bookmark it. Return to it. That's my reading suggestion for you.